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Obedience school dropouts (10 photos)

Every dog has a few moments where he forgets everything he learned in “obedience school.” Shredding, chewing and peeing on things are just too much fun! And of course, it’s all part of being a dog.

My own dog chewed up a few items in his younger years – books, Christmas ornaments, a leather leash.

If you have photo evidence of your dog’s special “talents,” please send a photo to

Obedience school dropout #1

Obedience school dropout #2

Obedience school dropout #3

Obedience school dropout #4

Obedience school dropout #5

Obedience school dropout #6

Obedience school dropout #7

Obedience school dropout #8

Obedience school dropout #9

Obedience school dropout #10

Send your “Obedience School Dropout” pics to


Monday 6th of January 2014

The puppy who dug a den in the giant bear, that is just laugh out loud funny! Must be wise like Han Solo, to save himself from freezing.

Lindsay Stordahl

Monday 6th of January 2014



Monday 6th of January 2014

LOL! That second one looks photoshopped. Still funny, though. I have no photos of my dogs being naughty. The last thing I think about when they do something they're not supposed to is taking a photo.

Lindsay Stordahl

Monday 6th of January 2014

Your dogs are always perfect :)

Oz the Terrier

Monday 6th of January 2014

Those are hilarious! Thanks for the giggle on a cloudy Monday. Oz


Monday 6th of January 2014

Bahahahaha!!! These are hilarious!! Mine are all obedience school dropouts in one way or another. Thanks for the laugh!