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It’s the weekend: Relax with a #FrogDog

10 frog dogs

And what is a frog dog, you ask? A frog dog is an animal that is part frog, and part dog, like this bunch. If you have to ask, then maybe it’s must better to smile and nod.

Looks like the bulldogs and the Bostons are winning by sharing the most frog dog poses. The pitbulls haven’t even made an appearance. Nor have any of the smaller terrier breeds.

Do we have any other frog dogs among us? Send your pics to



Frog dog bulldog

Frog dog bulldog

Boston frog dog

French bulldog

Boston terrier frog dog

Frog dog on deck

Goldendoodle frog dog

My bulldog is a frog dog

bulldog frog dog

Send your dog photos to


Saturday 11th of January 2014

My Misty is 1 year old today and she loves to lay this way.

Lindsay Stordahl

Sunday 12th of January 2014

Cute! Ace can't physically bend this way.


Saturday 11th of January 2014

Too stinkin' cute! I just sent you a photo of Pierson's frog dog legs. I love how his cute fuzzy feet stick out from behind his adorable fluffy butt. :D

Lindsay Stordahl

Saturday 11th of January 2014

Haha! Just saw the pic! Love it!


Saturday 11th of January 2014

I'll have to remember to take a picture of my terrier mix doing this. Frog legs is her favorite position!

Lindsay Stordahl

Saturday 11th of January 2014

Ha! :)