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Obedience School Dropouts (10 photos)

These 10 dogs decided to skip out on obedience school and create their own fun – smart dogs!

Only joking, of course. I’m sure they’re all very good dogs. All dogs have their moments and get into trouble at some point.

Which of these can you relate to the most? I love the muddy dogs! 🙂

Muddy little dog

Dane mix knocked over trash

Dog ripped up the wall paper

Chi mix ripped up the room

Muddy golden

Schnauzer ripped up magazines

Dog destroyed blinds

Beagle ripped up magazines

Corgis knocked over trash

Dog ripped up dog bed

Obedience School Dropouts” may be a regular feature on the blog. Send your pics to

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Wednesday 5th of February 2014

Poker face level 99 :D


Wednesday 5th of February 2014

I love the one where the dog attacked and destroyed the evil pillow. No one will ever know what damage was prevented by this act of bravery.

Chris Fowler

Tuesday 4th of February 2014

Oh my! Too many of these scenes look familiar. But I think #3 may have a future in the remodel business. I could have used his/her wallpaper removal skills many times:-)

Lindsay Stordahl

Tuesday 4th of February 2014



Tuesday 4th of February 2014

That is funny and even more funny since my little sister was flunking out of Obedience 1! She decided to put her nose to the floor and really work with all four paws and it looks like she might graduate this week. I don't think she will be signing up for course 2.

Lindsay Stordahl

Tuesday 4th of February 2014

Haha! I'm glad she is going to pass her class this week! :)