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New Olympic event – FrogDoggin’

[frame src=”” target=”_self” width=”590″ height=”301″ alt=”Dutch the frogdog” align=”center” prettyphoto=”false”]

The Winter Games’ most anticipated competition

A couple of new events have been added to the Winter Olympics this year. The most competitive of those events is known as FrogDoggin’.

And what is FrogDoggin’?

It’s when animals are part frog and part dog, and they compete against one another to see who has the best frog-dog pose.

Dutch, in the photo above, was a champion at FrogDoggin’ (Photo from Patti S.). He would’ve won a gold medal, but unfortunately he has passed away. Now, several others are competing to become Champion FrogDogs.

Let’s take a look at the competition …

1 – Chu, photo from Patti C.
Chu the froggy doggy

2 – Nami, photo from Allie & Nami

3 – Brick, photo from Amanda H.
Brick the frog dog

4 – Sammi, photo from Chelsea S.
Sammi the cute pitbull mix

5 – Linus, photo from Patti S.
Linus is part frog and part Sheltie

6 – Pierson, from the American Dog Blog
Pierson the froggy doggy

7 – Kona, photo from Apryl S.

8 – Lucy, photo from Cherie G.
Black french bulldog

9 – Kidd, photo from Amy W.
Cairn terrier doing the frog dog pose

Who do you pick as the FrogDoggin’ gold medalist?

Got your own FrogDoggin’ competitor? Send your photos to to see your dog featured in an upcoming post.

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Ann Staub

Wednesday 12th of February 2014

Oh I have to say Pierson for sure! Since I "know" him, I may be biased!


Monday 10th of February 2014

I have to vote for my Nami! Her daddy & sister vote for her too and so do my 2 buddies with me. Does that count? Hahahahahaha! ;)

Lindsay Stordahl

Tuesday 11th of February 2014

Sure, why not? :)


Monday 10th of February 2014

I used to lie that way as a puppy, but now I don't anymore. Funny pics!


Monday 10th of February 2014

They all look adorable if a little weird. I've never had a dog who was a contender. It doesn't seem to be a breed thing since they all look quite different.

Lindsay Stordahl

Tuesday 11th of February 2014

None of my dogs have ever been able to bend like that either.


Monday 10th of February 2014

What kind of mom would I be if I didn't vote for my Pierson? But if I can't choose my own, then I vote for #3, Brick. He looks the most comfortable in his frogdoggin position. :)

Lindsay Stordahl

Monday 10th of February 2014

Pierson and Brick are both pretty cute!