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Assisi Loop Review – Does It Work to Manage Pain for Dogs?

Assisi Loop uses electromagnetic field to reduce inflammation, speed healing and decrease pain

Note: I’ve partnered with Assisi Animal Health to bring you this post.

My 8-year-old dog Ace has been using a medical product called the Assisi Loop to reduce pain related to tendinitis in his shoulder. This product was developed by Assisi Animal Health and I was given a Loop to review.

The Loop uses a targeted pulsed electromagnetic field (tPEMF) to reduce inflammation and lower pain levels in dogs, cats and horses, according to Assisi Animal Health.

It is modeled after the human version of the product cleared by the FDA, according to Assisi. In addition to reducing inflammation and pain, it is used to help with healing after surgery, general wound healing and treatment for osteoarthritis.

According to its web site, the Loop increases nitric oxide production in the body to help speed the healing of skin, tendons, ligaments, bones or organs. It penetrates fur, bandages or casts.

More details on how the Loop works here.

Assisi Loop review – how does the Assisi Loop work?

Assisi Loop from Assisi Animal Health

More about the Assisi Loop

The Loop can be used as a standalone therapy or along with whatever treatment plan your pet’s vet currently has in place. In order to obtain a Loop, you will need a prescription from a vet.

To use the Loop, you simply place it on our around the affected area and leave it in place for 15 minutes.

Some additional benefits to using the Loop:

  • It has no known side effects
  • It offers at least 150 15-minute treatments
  • Shuts off automatically after 15 minutes
  • Makes no noise
  • Can be used for dogs, cats and horses
  • Displays a green, blinking light when on so you know it’s working

The Assisi Loop review

My review – Does the Assisi Loop actually work?

Some people will naturally be skeptical of the Loop, and I can understand that. I choose to believe it makes a difference in lowering my dog’s pain, but I can’t prove this is true.

I’ve been using the Loop with Ace in addition to a glucosamine supplement. Since using the Loop with Ace, I have not re-ordered his prescription pain medication because he doesn’t seem to need it.

For example, Ace played fetch and ran around at the dog beach for about 45 minutes recently. This would normally cause him to limp for a day or so, however I used the Loop with him right after we got home, and he did not limp afterwards.

My black Lab Ace with the Assisi Loop - Assisi Loop review

How to use the Assisi Loop

In order to get the most benefit from the Loop, pet owners are generally encouraged to use the Loop three times per day for the first couple of weeks and then decrease to once a day or on an as-needed basis, according to Assisi.

Each situation is different, however, and the customer service team at Assisi is very helpful as far as answering any questions.

What’s not so good about the Loop?

  • Some pets may not want to sit still for the full 15-minute session.
  • As with anything, the cost may be an issue at $269 per Loop (includes shipping and handling)

To become a believer in the Loop, you almost have to try it out and see for yourself. Unfortunately, most people can’t afford to pay $269 “just to see.”

On the other hand, it does last for 150 15-minute sessions, which is about $1.75 per session depending on how long the battery lasts. And, depending on your dog’s issue, it might allow you to stop ordering pain medication or other prescriptions.

Some pet insurance companies will also cover the Loop since it is a prescribed treatment, according to Assisi.

Assisi Loop – where to buy

If you would like to go ahead and order a Loop, you can start the process by filling out the form here or by calling customer service at 1-415-814-2460.

How you can win an Assisi Loop for your pet

Assisi Loop review - Here is a Boxer dog wearing the Assisi Loop

Assisi Animal Health is giving away one FREE Loop to one reader of That Mutt.

*This giveaway has ended.

To enter:

Just leave a comment on this post indicating why one of your pets could potentially benefit from the Loop.

In order to win, you must be 18 or older with a U.S. mailing address, and you will be required to obtain a prescription from your pet’s vet prior to receiving the Loop. Assisi has resources available to help you do so.

The winner will be chosen at random on Monday Jan. 26.

Do you have a pet that may benefit from the Loop? Let me know in the comments!

Note: I received compensation and a free Loop in exchange for writing a review. I obtained a prescription from Ace’s vet prior to receiving the Loop. All images except for the photo of Ace are from


Wednesday 25th of January 2023

Hi.. anyone want to sell me their Assisi loop with dead battery? Not working? I'd like the electric in it for a project and if anyone has a dead one for sale, please let me know.

Karen Berk

Saturday 10th of July 2021

I am very interested in trying the Loop. My dog has collapsed trachea. Meds do not help much. Has anyone used the Loop for CT? I have a veterinary medical background (Equine). I am also a freelance journalist on Equine medical issues, and well published. CT has become epidemic in dogs. Hoping the Loop will bring us some relief and quality time. My dog is a Jack Russell. Looking forward to your thoughts.

marlene robinson

Monday 3rd of February 2020

I am presently trying the loop on loan from my vet. Also, trying it on myself to see the results. I think it would be beneficial and trust the vet that has suggested it. I would really like to purchase one but am retired and this is an important decision. He recently had some acupuncture with it and seemed to make an improvement. I think the theory behind this is good and I really think it would be helpful. We all love our animals and do not want to see them suffer and appreciate anything that makes life more comfortable for them....


Thursday 13th of September 2018

I have an English mastiff 5 yrs old with chronic pain that no one can tell me what is causing it. Has x-rays seen ortho specialist. She has trouble walking, stairs etc.. We Have her on Anti inflation drugs that now upset her stomach. She just lays around. Does not want to go outside I have to hand feed her she’s loosing weight. I hate giving her drugs and would really like to try the loop but have spent so much so far.


Thursday 31st of May 2018

My Doxie just had major surgery with mammaries, lymph’s, uterus, and ovaries all removed. She is deeply medicated and on seizure meds as she normally takes those daily. I am wondering how the Assisi Loop could be used to help her.

Lindsay Stordahl

Friday 1st of June 2018

It definitely helps with healing after any surgery. I hope your pup is doing OK.