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Win a $500 Donation for a Rescue Group or Shelter

This post is sponsored by’s Best Friend’s Friend Contest is seeking nominations for 2016’s “best” shelter or rescue group. It is accepting nominations now through Dec. 31.

You could win a $500 donation for your favorite rescue group or shelter by simply taking 2 minutes to make a nomination.

The top three winners will be selected through online voting.

The prizes include:

1st Place: $500 donation
2nd Place:
 $300 donation
3rd Place: $100 donation

The voting will take place online at in January and February. You’ll be able to vote for one group up to once per day.

The organization must be a non-profit, typically a 501(c)(3).

Additional benefits to the winners:

  • The donation will be made in the name of the person who nominated the group (you!)
  • The first-place shelter will receive a permanent link to its website from
  • All winners will receive a digital medal (pictured) to display on the shelter’s own site.

How to nominate your favorite shelter:

Anyone can make a nomination. It only takes about 2 minutes, and you don’t have to work at the shelter or even be a volunteer.

1. Fill out the nomination form. You’ll need to enter the name and website for the shelter or rescue group you are nominating. You can also enter an email for the organization.

2. Explain why you’re nominating that group. A sentence or two is all you need.

3. Enter your name and email for contact purposes. This is so the contest can verify your nomination. Make sure to check your email for a confirmation link. If you don’t see one, check your spam or email and I’ll help you confirm your nomination.

And if you’d like, leave a comment to let me know which group you nominated. That way I can tell people to vote for your group in January!

Best Friend's Friend contest

The online voting process:

The first, second and third place winners will be selected through online voting which starts Jan. 1 on

Anyone can vote for one entry up to once per day Jan. 1 through Feb. 28. Encourage your friends to vote! I’ll send out an email reminder once the voting starts in January.

One unique thing about the Best Friend’s Friend Contest is you won’t be able to see how many votes each organization has until the very end. This is so people won’t know if their organization more votes than others or fewer votes than others. Since voting can occur daily, the leaders will likely change all the time. Results will not be announced until the last vote at the end of February.

More about

Dog Nation is a website maintained by Rodney Blow with information on dog breeds, dog training, nutrition and more.

Rodney is a follower of That Mutt, and he and his wife have multiple rescue dogs. He said he decided to create the annual Best Friend’s Friend Contest in order to support some of the most dedicated shelters and rescue groups around the country. Opening up a contest and voting process allows his readers and fellow dog lovers to choose the organizations they feel are most deserving of his donations.

Overview of the Best Friend’s Friend Contest:

  • Nominations take place through Dec. 31.
  • Online voting runs Jan. 1 through Feb. 28. There will be a first, second and third place winner.
  • Three winners will be announced early March on

Ready to make a nomination?

Let me know which group you plan to support!

-Lindsay, Ace & Remy