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Walk your dog 101 miles (day 4)

How many miles are you up to?

Apryl from Women Like Sports wrote about her plan to do the Long Beach Marathon this year. Part of her plan includes completing 100 miles in a month with her dog Gus.

Pickles and her owner are well on their way to passing last month’s miles.

Ace and I set out for a timed 6-mile run this morning, but that soon turned into a 2.85-mile walk/run. I am happy I at least got out the door this morning. Even Ace seemed sluggish, barely pacing at my side for the first mile. He might’ve been stiff from an hour of agility yesterday with our friends Patti and Jake. Not injured or anything, just tired.

I know that in order to do a successful run with my dog I need to get it over with first thing in the morning. I did not do that today. I took my time getting out of bed and then I stuffed myself with pancakes instead of my usual fruit smoothie. Let’s just say the thought of those pancakes a mile into our run was not pleasant.

The 6-mile run will have to wait for tomorrow.

We also went for a short .3-mile walk yesterday afternoon for a total of 12.13 miles for the month.

April miles: 12.13


Apryl DeLancey

Sunday 5th of April 2009

Thanks for the link, Lindsay!

We got in a really good hike yesterday - a trail that has inclines and declines throughout and is 4 miles round trip. We got in a short walk around the neighborhood last night also. With that and the short walks we've had during the week we're up to 7.5 miles. We've got to get going! I thought poor Gus was going to pass out yesterday, it is warmer and we haven't done the trail in several weeks. We'll be back at it today!