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Walk your dog 101 miles (day 27)

Ace and I have three more days to go, and we are at 87.22 miles. So far I’ve biked about 12 of those miles, and I plan to bike some more with Ace in the next couple of days. He gets a better workout and I get a break. If you are interested in biking with your dog, I recommend a bike leash for dogs.

After a 10-mile run with my dog on Thursday followed by some birthday celebrating, I had some pretty weak days as far as exercising. Because I did so many miles consistently earlier in the month, we will still be able to reach our 101 miles even after taking two days off from walking.

The reason for my success this month compared to last is entirely based on my commitment to exercise with my dog first thing in the morning every day. Sure, the weather has been warmer, but cold and snow were not my excuses in March. My problem was time management.


When I set 30-day challenges for myself, it’s easy to become borderline obsessive about the challenge. I’ll freak out about not accomplishing something, and it the whole goal ends up being more stressful than it’s worth.

But this month I’ve made sure not to consider walking my dog to be a “chore” or task to get done. I always see it as time to relax, time I’m lucky to have.

During our longer run last Thursday, I looked at it as an opportunity. Who else has the freedom and ability to run 10 miles on a weekday morning? Who else has a great dog willing to tag along? Not many.

Fargo Marathon

With the Fargo Marathon coming up in less than two weeks, all kinds of runners have been out. Everywhere I look, there are runners. Some are just happy the weather is warm – where were they in January? Others are obviously trying to get a last-minute long run in before the big race.

I’m excited to take part in the upcoming half marathon. A friend and I will be running it together, and neither of us have set any kind of time goal. We’re going to take it easy and run the 13.1 miles simply because we can. In previous races I’ve gone out to set personal records or make dedications to lost family members. This year it’s all about enjoying the experience. It’s mostly about me.

But a big part of me is that big black mutt who’s always at my side. Unfortunately he won’t be included in this race and for good reasons. Dogs equal dog bites, dog crap and Flexi leashes. As bad as I wish I could race with my mutt, dogs don’t belong on a busy marathon course.

For Fargo runners interested in racing with their dogs, the F-M Bridge to Bridge Bash is not necessarily dog friendly, but dogs are tolerated. Ace participated in the five-mile race with me in 2007 after I made sure to get permission from the race director. The 2009 event is scheduled for Sept. 19.

Will you be participating in any races this year?

April miles: 87.22

Lindsay Stordahl

Tuesday 2nd of June 2009

Thanks, Jen!

Jen @Good-Dog-Health

Tuesday 2nd of June 2009

What a fun project! I bet Vance would be game for this one (he's a lab--running's his "thing" ;-)). I'm really commenting, though, because that photo of Ace is gorgeous. I'm going to have to keep reading to see how the two of you did at the half marathon.

Apryl DeLancey

Wednesday 29th of April 2009

Yeah, sure - except Gus gives an entirely new definition to the word "slow"! Ha!

Lindsay Stordahl

Tuesday 28th of April 2009

I think most people wish they had a dog that would actually slow them down.

Apryl DeLancey

Tuesday 28th of April 2009

Congratulations on your miles! I am hoping to be in a marathon in October. I can't bring Gus for that one, he'd slow me down anyways!