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Mutt Calendar Contest – Vote now

Mutt Calendar Contest

Just a few more days left to vote in our Mutt Calendar contest. The top 12 mutts will be featured in the first ever mixed-breed dog calendar.

Edit: You can now order your mutt calendar here.

How to vote:

  • Follow this link to visit That Mutt’s calendar contest through Facebook.
  • Click on the “upload photos” tab or the giant red text that says CLICK HERE TO ENTER OR VOTE.
  • Each photo has a green “like” and a green “share” button. Click on the “like” button to vote.
  • You can also hit “share” to share your favorite dogs and attract more votes.
  • Vote for as many mutts as you’d like! (But you can only vote for each dog once.)
  • There’s still plenty of time to enter your own mutt into the contest and ask your friends to vote.

Questions? Email

Official winners will be announced Monday Aug. 12 right here on the blog.

Mutt Calendar Contest - vote now

Kimberly Gauthier

Tuesday 6th of August 2013

Very cool! Thanks for providing this opportunity for dog lovers. You ROCK!