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Dogs and Cats Cuddling – Dogs looking a little worried (10 photos)

10 photos of dogs looking a little concerned.

Thanks to those who have sent in their photos of dogs cuddling with cats. If you would like to see your pets featured on, send your photos of dogs cuddling with cats to

Meanwhile, which of these dogs do you think looks the most worried?

Cuddle buddies #1 – Beamer and Ace
Black Lab cuddling with tabby cat

Cuddle buddies #2 – Ninja and Elsie
Black cat cuddling with golden retriever

Cuddle buddies #3 – Bruce and Pixie
Boxer and cat spooning

Cuddle buddies #4 – Delilah and Gizmo
Spaniel dog cuddling with gray tabby

Cuddle buddies #5
Gray cat and Chihuahua mix

Cuddle buddies #6
Sphynx and dog cuddling

Cuddle buddies #7 – Cosmo and Beamer
Eske dog and cat together

Cuddle buddies #8
Golden with cat on its back

Cuddle buddies #9 – Sophie and Ninja
Springer spaniel and black cat together

Cuddle buddies #10 – Ace, Beamer and Scout
Dog keeping eye on cats

Want to see your pets featured on That Mutt? Send your pics of dogs cuddling with cats to


Sunday 5th of January 2014

I must agree; Ace looks the most uncomfortable with his lot in life. #5 has undertones of distress in his expression, too. I think he's acutely aware of the fact that the cat is bigger than him, and that if the cat farts, he's screwed.

Nancy's Point

Sunday 5th of January 2014

I don't think any of them look too concerned either, but if I had to go with one, I'd have to agree and pick Ace too!


Sunday 5th of January 2014

Ace definitely looks the most uncomfortable. So does Delilah or Gizmo (not sure which is which). I completely agree with Julia about Bruce. He looks like he's resigned to is fate. In #8, the dog is saying, "Cat? What cat? Oh, that's not a cat. This is my masseuse."

Julia at Home on 129 Acres

Saturday 4th of January 2014

Ace definitely looks the most concerned! What a great expression. Bruce (#3) and #8 look resigned to their fate as kitty cuddle buddies.

Lindsay Stordahl

Sunday 5th of January 2014

Ha! I guess Ace does look pretty concerned.