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Guess That Mutt (10 photos)

Can you guess the mixes of these 10 mixed-breed dogs? They’re all my dog walking clients or former clients, and some of their breeds are known while some are unknown.

Leave your best guesses in the comments, along with which dog you think is the most unique. If you have your own mutt pictures to submit to the next Guess That Mutt post, send them to

View the answers to last week’s Guess That Mutt post at the end of this post.

Dog #1 – Bacon (yes, this dog’s name is Bacon!)
Can you guess his breed?

Dog #2 – Beyonce

Dog #3 – Brick (as in Anchorman!)

Dog #4 – Calvin

Dog #5 – Buster

Dog #6 – Chester

Dog #7 – Maddie
Maddie the mutt

Dog #8 – Charlie

Dog #9 – Millie

Dog #10 – Buddy

Do you have a mixed-breed dog you’d like to see featured on Guess That Mutt? Send an email to with your dog’s name and a picture.

Last week’s answers (view the post here):
Dog #1: unknown, but owner guesses pitbull mix Dog #2: unknown but owner guesses American Eskimo/Pomeranian mix Dog #3: Pomeranian/Chihuahua mix Dog #4: Lab/pointer mix Dog #5: Lab mix Dog #6: Lab/pointer mix Dog #7: Cairn terrier mix Dog #8: Lab mix Dog #9: Cocker spaniel/poodle mix Dog #10: unknown, but owner guesses Chihuahua, Jack Russell, cocker spaniel mix


Tuesday 7th of January 2014

Ooh, let's take plunge, number three looks like a bit of staffy and whippet to me?!


Monday 6th of January 2014

What a great assortment of mutts - love it. I wouldn't hazard a guess as I'm usually wrong. I see some Lab, some Pug, some terrier, a little shepherd...etc.

Lindsay Stordahl

Monday 6th of January 2014

A little bit of everything!

Kimberly Gauthier

Monday 6th of January 2014

I have no clue, but one looked like a lab mix and Beyonce reminds me of Sydney (with her colors), but I've learned over the years that black and white isn't uncommon :)

Lindsay Stordahl

Monday 6th of January 2014

I swear half the dogs out there are black and white!