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That Mutt Life: What we’ve been up to

Totally copied this idea from one of my favorite bloggers, Sarah at Lola the Pitty.

Sarah does a personal update once a month or so called My Pittied Life, which I always enjoy reading.  I just think it’s nice to learn more about the person behind the blog.

So, here we go with That Mutt Life – what we’ve been up to …

My husband Josh and I have lived in the San Diego area for more than a year now. I’m in that awkward place where I don’t feel like a North Dakotan anymore, but I still don’t feel like a Californian either.

My dog running business

I started a dog running business here in Solana Beach and have built up an awesome group of clients. I have all the business I want, and I am focusing the majority of my time on this blog as a full-time blogger. I used to be a full-time dog runner with a blog on the side. I’m so proud to say I am now a full-time blogger with a dog running business on the side.

Traveling to Wisconsin

I was able to travel to Wisconsin to visit my parents last month. Mid-October was a beautiful time to fly into Minneapolis and drive to Western Wisconsin. The leaves were gorgeous.

Here’s a pic of me with one of my parents’ dogs, Elsie the golden. Elsie is 11, and I hope I get to see her many, many more times.

Me and Elsie

Visiting more family

We’ll be traveling to Northern California over Thanksgiving (my mutt Ace and the cats too!) to visit Josh’s family. This is where they actually have four seasons. I can’t wait for some cold weather.

Labs & More Rescue

I’ve started volunteering with a local Labrador rescue group that I love! Every other Saturday, I volunteer to handle one of the dogs at an adoption event in Carlsbad. It’s really rewarding and I feel like I’m making a difference.

Here’s the dog I hung out with last time, a 6-year-old girl named Gladiola (big name, right?). Her owners passed away and she ended up in a shelter until Labs & More took her in. Really sweet dog!

Black Lab for adoption San Diego

If you’d like to donate to a group that saves dogs from high-kill shelters in Southern California and finds them homes through a down-to-earth adoption process, please consider donating to Labs & More. Heck, the group approved me as a foster home so they can’t be all bad, right? 🙂

I’m also getting ahead of myself here, but Josh and I have been talking about possibly adopting a dog from this group. We’re just talking at this point, but hey, a girl can dream!


As far as my blog posts go, I feel like you all enjoy my dog training and behavior topics the best. Is that correct? Let me know your favorites, and if you have any topics to suggest or feedback of any sort, please reach out by email or leave a comment.

Anna S. had a great idea for me to lead some sort of 30-day training or dog walking challenge. I did this a long time ago, but it’s been years. I am thinking of planning something for the month of January.

Ace of spades

My newsletter

I’ve put a lot of time and effort into That Mutt’s newsletter lately. It’s not just a list of links to recent posts. My emails are written a lot like my blog posts, and then I usually end up publishing them later on the blog. My newsletter subscribers get to see my best content first, and I love to email back and forth with my subscribers if they initiate it. I try to be really informal with it.

If you haven’t signed up, you can do so here. I typically send out an email every other week. I have a small list of 1,000 subscribers after deleting about 1,000 inactive subscribers. I’m obsessed with open rates.

That’s about it!

I’m just trying to enjoy my time at the beach as much as possible, which is actually not very often considering we live literally 1 mile from the coast, including The Best Dog Beach Ever!

So, take care, and please leave a comment to say hi or shoot me an email at I like to know who’s reading!

– Lindsay (and Ace!)

Let me know, what do you enjoy most about this blog?


Thursday 13th of November 2014

I would LOVE a dog walking or training challenge! We're fine as long as the weather holds but I know in January motivation will be lacking thanks to Wisconsin winters!!

And personally I like your troubleshooting posts! They're so practical and non-judgmental.

Lindsay Stordahl

Thursday 13th of November 2014

Thank you!


Tuesday 11th of November 2014

As a native Californian who's been here all my forty six years, I'd like to officially welcome you as a new Californian! What a difference it must be from N.D. My Mom was from Whapeton, and I always marveled at how she was from the coldest state in the lower 48 states. You won't find much winter anywhere here unless you're going up to the mountain areas. And you'll probably soon get tired of hearing us weather wimps complain that we're freezing to death when it's 58 degrees or such :) I enjoy all your blog articles. It's always fun to check in and see what the latest topic of discussion is. I'm so jealous of you, getting to make your living doing dog stuff! Good luck with the holiday trip (cats in the car, been there, yikes)!

Lindsay Stordahl

Tuesday 11th of November 2014

Thank you Kathleen! :)


Monday 10th of November 2014

I've always loved your blog Lindsay, and it's great to hear more about what you've been up to. You always have great articles, so please keep doing what you're doing! :)

Lindsay Stordahl

Tuesday 11th of November 2014

Thank you so much!


Monday 10th of November 2014

Thanks for the recap!!! It is nice to know what you've been up to! Though I do know your blog posts follow the ideas running through your head any given day of the week.

We are adjusting to a two dog household and the special needs of a smaller, older dog, who does not have quite the training our bigger one does. She's learning though. As are we.... :-)

Good luck with the new pup! It will be fun. And the right one will come along when you guys are ready.

Rachel @ My Two Pitties

Monday 10th of November 2014

I'm diggin' the monthly recap idea! I did not realize you lived in San Diego. For some reason I think I assumed Oregon? Don't ask me why. Anyways, how for North are you headed? It's still pretty warm here in Oakland!

Lindsay Stordahl

Monday 10th of November 2014

We'll be headed almost to Oregon, to the little town of ... wait for it ... Weed, Calif.