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Weekly Dog Walking Challenge – Week 3 #ActiveMutts

Today is the start of a new week for our #ActiveMutts challenge.

This “challenge” gives participants an informal, weekly goal to walk their dogs outside of their usual routines.

No matter where you are in the world, you can participate or follow along using the hashtag #ActiveMutts on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. I’ll post your photos on the blog each week. Or you can just “silently” participate, if you prefer that.

This week’s new challenge

Take your dog hiking.

“Hiking” can mean whatever you want it to mean. For me, it means we’ll go walking somewhere in nature, somewhat rural, and we’ll walk a little further than we normally would.

Send your pics to or use #ActiveMutts when you post.

Last week’s photos – “urban walk”

OK, it looks like some of you skipped the whole “urban” theme from last week’s challenge, but that’s OK. The point is to get out and about with your dogs.

Ace and I went for two urban walks in downtown Solana Beach, Calif., last week.

We walked to San Diego BeerWorks to celebrate our foster dog Lana getting adopted.

San Diego BeerWorks dog friendly

And today Ace and I strolled around on Cedros Avenue, and he humored me.

Ace on Cedros Avenue Solana Beach

Your pics – #ActiveMutts Week 2

Norman My Two Pitties

Norman from My Two Pitties

Baxter from Home on 129 Acres

Kuba the shepherd mix

Jake the golden cocker mix

Buzz and Missy K9s Over Coffee

Hazel the pitbull

Thank you everyone!

Who’s in for this week’s walk?

The challenge is to hike with your dog. You don’t have to have an actual “mutt” to participate. We love all dogs, obviously!

Rachel @ My Two Pitties

Thursday 5th of March 2015

Yay! I had to put some effort into the whole urban thing (though it was a lot of fun) but hiking we do pretty much every day! I'll be sure to tag some pics. That picture of the shepherd in the storm is so cool! I love a good storm once in a while. Lately it seems a very VERY great while.


Thursday 5th of March 2015

Yay, new pictures and a new challenge! We're going on a little hike tomorrow morning, how fitting. Our picture wasn't the most urban but I felt weird photographing my mutt in the middle of the traffic, ha ha. Have fun, everyone!


Thursday 5th of March 2015

Oh fun! My dad and I have taken to hiking together with our dogs on roughly a weekly basis so this should be easy. I took my dog to an outdoor mall last week, but it was dark so I didn't get any decent pictures. He also almost ate a toothpick, so there was some adrenaline there.

Lindsay Stordahl

Thursday 5th of March 2015

Most of my walks are when it's dark too. Either early in the morning or in the evening. I'm so glad he didn't eat that toothpick!