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Meet Our ‘Flash Foster’ Dog Marylou!

[frame src=”” target=”_self” width=”620″ height=”380″ alt=”Marylou the Lab mix for adoption” align=”center” prettyphoto=”false”]Tomorrow morning I’ll be picking up our weekend foster dog Marylou!

Labs & More Rescue is good at sending me Ace look-a-likes! If Ace didn’t have gray fur, could you even tell the difference? 🙂

Marylou is a 2-year-old Lab mix for adoption with Labs & More in San Diego. We are hanging out with her for the weekend to give her a break from staying at a boarding kennel where she’s been waiting for a foster home or adoptive home.

She doesn’t know what she’s getting herself into.

Marylou will be joining my husband Josh and I for the Labs & More 5K Mutt Run on Saturday.

Help Me Raise Money for Labs & More Here

Marylou the black Lab mix (2)While longterm fostering is not something I’m able to commit to right now, we can surely open our home to a dog in need for just a couple of nights.

Marylou is going to get lots of love, attention and exercise – and yes, training – over the weekend. (And how cute is her name, by the way?)

We’ll be able to report back to the rescue more information about her personality and behavior in a home setting. This is all information potential adopters want to know.

Is she good with dogs? Good with cats? Kennel trained and potty trained? Can she be left alone for 30 minutes without freaking out? How is she on walks?

We will soon find out.

Foster homes are so important for rescue groups and shelters because these volunteers not only save dogs’ lives by providing them a space to live (vs. being killed in a shelter). But, it’s also so important to be able to tell adopters how a dog actually acts in a home. The fewer unknowns, the more likely someone will adopt the dog.

Interested in fostering or adopting Marylou?

The first step for either is to fill out an application on Labs & More’s web site. If you have any questions about her, you can email or leave them in the comments below.

Halloween Mutt Run San Diego

I’m raising money for Marylou and Labs & More Rescue.

Labs & More is hosting a 5K Mutt Run/Walk on Saturday, and I’m hoping to raise an extra $150.

Click here to donate any amount

If you prefer to donate using PayPal, I’ve also created a PayPal button.

[wppb progress=”$100/$150″ percent=inside option=”red candystripe”]

Thank you!

For updates on how it’s going with Marylou, make sure to follow Ace and I on Facebook or Instagram. Of course, I’ll be sharing more about her on the blog as well.

Wish me luck! (Even a weekend foster dog is stressful for us.)


*Pics of Marylou are from Read more about Marylou here.

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Friday 23rd of October 2015

What a cutie she is! I so wish I could foster dogs again. Someday.


Friday 23rd of October 2015

Have fun with her and enjoy the run. She looks like a real fun girl!


Thursday 22nd of October 2015

Marylou is adorable! She does look a lot like Ace and it's really sweet of you to let her hang out with you guys for the weekend. I hope she finds a wonderful home soon too.


Thursday 22nd of October 2015

Aw she's a cute girl! Is she a low-rider or is it just the angle of those shots?

Lindsay Stordahl

Friday 23rd of October 2015

Yep, she's a low-rider! :)

Lindsay Stordahl

Thursday 22nd of October 2015

Haha! "A low-rider." I'm not sure! I haven't met her yet. These are just the pictures I was given. She does look a little short. I guess I will find out tomorrow.

Kimberly Gauthier

Thursday 22nd of October 2015

Have fun with her. You're my hero. I love that you're doing this.

Lindsay Stordahl

Thursday 22nd of October 2015

Oh thank you. I'm excited!