Our gray tabby cat Scout has had issues with the litter box on and off. Scout is a very sensitive cat – sensitive to change, picky about his food, fussy about being held, and yes, a princess when it comes to litter-box cleanliness. I’ve hopefully managed to get Scout’s habits under control by keeping his two …
Do you remember when I wrote about my cat Scout’s litter box issues awhile back? We thought we had the “situation” under control. We were wrong. This can be one of the most frustrating behavioral problems for cat owners. A deal breaker, even. Stay tuned for more on our attempts to solve the problem and …
When I mentioned my former foster dog Cosmo was doing well with his new owner, someone suggested I should’ve used the word “guardian” instead of “owner.” Perhaps someday I will call myself a pet “guardian.” Not today. I am very aware of the words I use to describe my relationships with my pets. I’ve used …
My cats like to steal my dog’s bed. Then he’s forced to sleep on the cat bed.
I definitely view declawing as a last resort, but if my cats start to destroy our new couch, all bets are off. Quite a few cat owners as well as Beamer and Scout’s vet suggested I try a product called Soft Paws to put over their claws. I decided to give this product a shot. …
I’ve been thinking about all the negative comments people shared on That Mutt’s Facebook page and on the blog when I wrote about declawing my cats. I’m glad readers shared their opinions and that they care about the welfare of cats. But I’m worried people missed my point. If someone wants to adopt a cat and get that …
My view on cat declawing is that every cat owner should make her own decision. Declawing a cat is not inhumane. It is a reasonable option for people who want to own a cat and nice furniture. I don’t feel so bad for the pampered indoor cats that get declawed because I know these cats are …
Josh’s mom Tawna has been visiting us this week all the way from Washington. One of her talents is creativity, and she has been helping us out in the home decorating department (something we are totally clueless about). She also captured some great photos of our pets. Tawna has a big, black lab-type dog as …
[2019] How to Feed Your dog and Puppy with Feeding Charts – Is it OK to feed my dog once per day? How often should I feed my puppy?
Since Cosmo got adopted, we are back to three animals at our house. It’s peaceful. Quiet. Simple. It’s not that Cosmo was a problem (far from it!). It’s just that I had two dogs requiring attention. Two dogs to walk. Two dogs to feed and let outside. I love the challenges of fostering, of training …