I know I’m not the only one who has a dog with a tennis ball obsession. Or, you could call it a retrieving obsession.
It gets pretty annoying when my dog is obsessing over crumbled pieces of paper or hair ties or a stuffed animal. He will toss objects to me over and over, hoping I might throw them for him.
For the most part the mutt has mastered the “leave it” command. So at least when I tell him to leave it, he knows I’m not up for his game. The “go to your bed” command also comes in handy.
Ace can’t annoy me while he’s lying on his dog bed. It’s a nice way to get him to calm down.
Last week I created a challenge for Ace that gets him to think while we are playing fetch. Instead of mindlessly chasing after the ball, he has to put some thought into what he’s doing.
It’s “simple.” All Ace has to do is make eye contact with me three different times: Before I pick up the ball, before I throw the ball and before he retrieves the ball. I don’t even say anything. I just stand there and wait for Ace to make eye contact on his own. He has to figure out on his own what gets me to throw the ball. And guess what? I’m not going to throw it if he sits there and stares at it or repeatedly tosses it at me.

Encourage your dog to make eye contact while training.
Eye contact is a great training tool for dogs in general. It teaches them to focus on you. With treats and encouragement, looking at you should be a positive experience for your dog. With Ace, I encourage him to make eye contact with me rather than stare at the ball while we are playing fetch. It works this way:
1. I pick up the ball after my dog makes eye contact.
Ace drops the ball at my feet. I tell him to heel, and he sits at my left side. He listens to commands well, but he does so while staring at the ball. So at this point, he will be sitting in heel position but staring at the ball on the ground. If your dog needs a reminder to stay in heel position, keep his leash on and stand on it. That way if he gets up, you can quickly put him back.
While Ace is sitting at my side waiting for me to pick up the ball, I don’t say anything. I remain standing and wait for him to look at me on his own. When he does, I tell him “good boy” and pick up the ball.
2. I throw the ball after my dog makes eye contact.
This part is harder for Ace because his excitement escalates when he sees me pick up the ball. He will remain in heel position, but his body stiffens and he becomes fixated. Drool flows.
“Oh my gosh! She’s going to throw it!!”
I stand calmly with the ball on my right side. Again, I wait for Ace to pull himself together and look into my eyes instead of at the ball. Once he does, I tell him he’s a good boy and I throw the ball. He is not released to retrieve the ball quite yet.
3. I release my dog after he makes eye contact.
This whole time, Ace has been sitting and staying in heel position. Once I’ve thrown the ball, I wait one last time for him to make eye contact. This part is the easiest for Ace and he looks at me almost right away and even keeps looking at me for a second or two. Once he does this, he gets the ultimate reward of “OK!” which means he can run and get the ball. He drops it at my feet and we repeat the whole process. The whole routine takes about two minutes.
We’ve tried this “game,” two different days for about five or 10 minutes each. So far, it takes Ace about 20 seconds before he will look up at me. When he does, it’s for about a half-second. He seems to have already learned that if he looks up at me, I will pick up the ball. But he’s so obsessed with the ball that it takes him a whole 20 seconds to get himself to look away from it. I hope to get this time down to nothing.
Does your dog have any kind of obsession? How do you challenge your dog?
By the way, if anyone thinks only female dogs kill grass, take a look at our backyard!
Lindsay Stordahl
Thursday 28th of January 2010
Thank you, Amanda. I completely agree!
Amanda Steiner
Thursday 28th of January 2010
I want to make a comment about "labragifting" as one of the readers stated. I understand that labs love to carry things in their mouth, it is what they are bred to do. I think it becomes a problem when the dog brings you something and demands that you throw it or play tug with it. If you take no action dog will likely pick it up and set it down closer to you, I've even had dogs nudge me with the toy in their mouth. This is a way of showing dominance over you, the dog is saying "I'm in charge, and I want to play now!" But the owner thinks "Oh cute, he is retrieving things for me!" Even if the owner does not need that item retrieved. I also think that it could easily lead to an obsession. I would encourage owners of this breed to find a more constructive outlet for this trait, such as carrying pop bottles to the garbage can when on a walk. This way the owner can decide which pop bottle to carry and how long to carry it ect.
Lindsay Stordahl
Thursday 28th of January 2010
I would definitely stop her from getting to that point. Make sure you only let her carry things YOU decide to give her, and when you do this, take them away multiple times. You are the one who decides what the dog can and can not carry becaue you are the one in charge. This will require keeping her leash on so she can't run from you and so you can have more control. Practice exercises such as placing the object firmly in front of you, showing that you own it. Let the dog approach and take the object only after she has stayed and waiting for a few minutes.
You may also be interested in my post about possessiveness: http://www.thatmutt.com/2008/12/12/my-dog-thinks-her-toy-is-her-baby/
Wednesday 27th of January 2010
My Heinz 57 is possession obsessed with socks,underware and today a dead bunny. She is 1 1/2 y/o. There is no way I can get the sock,,underware or today the bunny from her without getting bit or the clothing ripped. She will lay on them for hours with a very strange look in her eye. Even going outside to go potty, she will carry it in her mouth. Food,treats,yelling doesn't faze her. What to do?? Today was the last straw with the dead frozen partial bunny. She ate it! Help!!!
Lindsay Stordahl
Friday 4th of December 2009
Great! Good luck!