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A new foster dog?

The owner surrender coordinator with 4 Luv of Dog Rescue knows just the right time to ask me to consider fostering another dog. She is the one who matched me up with Cosmo, my previous foster dog, who worked out well at our house.

She seems to know which dogs I might consider, and that sometimes I just need to be asked and I’ll take one in.

This time, she told me she just wanted to run a dog by me.

“Barkley” is a 2.5-year-old neutered Yorkie mix, she said. According to his current owner, he is a resource guarder and not good with cats. He also has some housebreaking issues.

Sounds like a charmer 🙂

Now, anyone who knows dogs knows these kinds of issues can typically be taken care of with some simple rules, a crate and a routine. Usually it’s a lack of leadership on the owner’s part and no fault of the dog’s. In this case, the current owner even admits she does not have the time or the energy to work with the dog. Instead, she wants to find him a good home.

When I am asked to foster a dog, my first response is always the same. It is my default response: “I will give it some thought.”

In this case, it wasn’t even 24 hours before I sent a second email:

” … I’d be willing to give it a try with him starting Jan. 2.”

So there you have it.

“Barkley” will be here after the New Year.

I can tell by his picture (below) that he rules the house where he lives now! Is that towel on the chair just for him? 🙂

I can’t wait for the opportunity to teach Barkley how to be a dog.

I am also a bit worried that someone named him “Bark-ley.”

Stay tuned …

Barkley the cute 2-year-old Yorkie mix up for adoption in Fargo ND

Barkley is not officially with the rescue organization yet, but if you are interested in adopting him, you can start by filling out the pre-adoption application with 4 Luv of Dog Rescue. Once you are approved, the cost to adopt a neutered dog from the rescue is $150.

If you have any questions about Barkley or the adoption process, send an email to


Thursday 22nd of December 2011

Oh Lindsay... you'll have to work fast if you want to whip that little guy in to shape, he'll have an app in less than a week and be adopted in two :)

Lindsay Stordahl

Thursday 22nd of December 2011

Haha! Probably! That would be great for him if he can get adopted quickly! :)


Wednesday 21st of December 2011

Congrats. :) I hope Barkley works well for you.

Just a query: I've noticed a lot of dogs in USA rescues are very cheap ($150!). Is this a normal price? How does that cover vet work? Is desexing cheaper there?

Lindsay Stordahl

Thursday 22nd of December 2011

The care for each dog is generally much higher than $150 while it is with the rescue. That is why rescues depend so heavily on donations, fundraising and grants. I'm glad you think $150 is reasonable. I think it is a reasonable price as well, although I would love it if more rescues were able to offer dogs for even less.