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That Mutt Life: What we’ve been up to – December

Just a bit about what we’ve been up to lately …

Thanks again to Lola the Pitty for the idea to write a personal update every now and then. Sometimes it’s nice to get to know the person behind the blog.

You can also read my first That Mutt Life post here.

Thanksgiving travel

We made the 750-mile drive up to the logging town of Weed, Calif., where my husband Josh’s grandparents live. Yes, Weed. You have to be crazy to drive from one end of California to the other in one day. I’ve done this a few times now. It takes at least 10 hours (cat and dog along too). On the way back, we visited more family.

Here I am out for a walk in Weed.

Ace and me

The one that got away …

We came close to adopting this 7-month-old German shepherd/malinois mix from Labs & More. We made it through the adoption process (wasn’t easy) and met her at the foster’s home. Ace played with her, and they got along so well.

Ultimately, we decided we weren’t quite ready to adopt. Plus, the dog was a little too shy in new environments and around other dogs. Since we love taking our dog/s to coffee shops, outdoor restaurants, the dog beach, etc., we decided she wasn’t the right one for us.


Anyway, we’re now approved to adopt from this rescue when we decide we’re ready and when we find the right dog. There’s no shortage of dogs in need of homes.

Local hikes

Although we live a mile from the beach, hiking is what I really enjoy. Our area has lots of trails for horses, bikers and dogs. We live right by the Del Mar horse racing track, and this gives the area an (almost) rural feel. There are stables all over, and our grocery store sells giant bags of carrots as horse treats.

I’m so lucky I get to walk and run my clients’ dogs here. It reminds me of where I grew up, on the edge of the Twin Cities suburbs where urban and rural overlap. I’m definitely not a city girl. I’m more of a wannabe country girl.

Here’s one of my running buddies, Nina.

Nina the shepherd mix

My mutt Ace

Ace has had some sore joints this year, but he’s improved since June. I’ve also found a couple of bumps and bulges on him. I know this is common for older dogs, and I’m hoping they are nothing serious. Yes, I’ve been talking with the vet. *Update: Ace got a good report from the vet! He’s OK!

My dog Ace watching sunset

Overall, Ace is doing great and I’m just thankful to have him in my life.

My cats

Here they are. That is all. 🙂

My cats Scout and Beamer


We’ll be having a quiet, relaxing Christmas Eve and Christmas at home. While I’m sad we won’t be seeing my parents or other family, I’m also really excited to Just. Relax.

Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the year. I have so many good memories of my brothers and parents and grandparents. And the day usually involves a peaceful walk with my dog/s. Also, a Starbucks hot chocolate. We open our presents Christmas Eve night because that is our tradition, and why wait?

So that’s about it!

I know I’m lucky to be doing what I love and what I always knew I would do in one way or another – write about dogs.

As always, I’d love if you left a comment to say hi. It’s nice to know who’s reading. Or, shoot me an email ( to let me know what’s new with you.

You can also sign up for my email updates here. You’ll hear from me about twice a month with what I believe is my best content.

Take care, and have a wonderful holiday season.

– Lindsay (and Josh and Ace, Beamer and Scout)

Sarah @

Thursday 18th of December 2014

Thanks for linking back again ;). We also open presents on X-mas eve and this has been the tradition ever since I can remember! Waiting is overrated ;). Haha. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Good luck in the search for finding the dog that is just right to add to your fam.

Lindsay Stordahl

Friday 19th of December 2014

Merry Christmas to you and your family as well! :)

Rachel @ My Two Pitties

Wednesday 17th of December 2014

I'm glad you survived your trip! That pup is SO cute but good you recognized he wouldn't be a good fit. I'll always need a social dog too for the same reasons as you.

Our area (the Oakland hills) is definitely urban meets rural & I love it so much! Do you go to the race track? We live very close to one but I never go but I used to. It would be fun to go again:)

Lindsay Stordahl

Thursday 18th of December 2014

I only made it to the race track once this season. I really enjoyed it.

dennis kowaleuski

Wednesday 17th of December 2014

well I didn't have any 24 hr. drive thankfully but me and my fiancé and 4 cats used to drive home 2 or three times a year in a beat 98 Dodge Avenger when I was in college. It averaged between 9 and 12 hr. mostly because I live in N.J. and we have some super fun traffic. I know my cats are happy they don't have to do that anymore and I certainly am too. I hope all is well with the bumps on Ace that can be scary. One of the family cats has cancer real bad and it's worse than a few small bumps it's really sad. I've known a few dogs and cats that just got some "fatty tumors" that ended up being nothing as they got older though. Best wishes with that!

Lindsay Stordahl

Thursday 18th of December 2014

I am sorry to hear about the cat in your family that is sick.


Wednesday 17th of December 2014

We are doing the same for Christmas...sounds like a good plan. Good luck with the adoption - good for you recognizing that her personality wasn't going to be a fit. The right dog will come along.

Julia at Home on 129 Acres

Wednesday 17th of December 2014

I love these Life posts. They're still relevant to your content, but more personal. It's nice to get to know you a bit more. I find it hard to balance how much personal I share on my blog. I think you do a good job with these posts. Love the addition of them to your repertoire.

Lindsay Stordahl

Thursday 18th of December 2014

Thank you. I have a hard time with that balance as well.