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Assisi Loop – What is tPEMF and How Can it Help My Dog?

Note: Assisi Animal Health and I have partnered together to bring you this post and giveaway.

We’re giving away a FREE Assisi Loop valued at $289 (prescription required). Leave a comment to enter. Click here.

Ace is not feeling well.

The poor guy will need a second surgery to remove a foreign body or damaged tissue from his hip area.

This will be his second surgery in three months, and I feel so bad for him. Can any of you relate? It’s so hard when our pets are sick or hurting.

Ace is on pain medication, of course, but a device we’ve been using to help him feel better in addition to medication is the Assisi Loop, which we wrote about last week.

The Assisi Loop is a non-pharmaceutical, anti-inflammatory device (NPAID) for pets. It can be used in addition to or separately from pain medications.

Today I want to focus more on how the Loop works using tPEMF. I will also answer any of your questions about the Loop. Leave them in the comments or email

Assisi Loop 2.0

So what the heck is tPEMF? What does it mean for a dog’s recovery?

I learned from Assisi Animal Health that tPEMF is:






The Loop’s targeted PEMF signal delivers health-enhancing electromagnetic fields to a pet’s challenged cells and tissues, according to Assisi.

In the past I used the Loop to help reduce pain and inflammation related to Ace’s arthritis, but more recently the Loop helped him heal and recover from surgery and manage the pain associated with his hip.

Assisi Loop logo

The Loop is non-invasive and able to treat over bandages, casts and fur. The Loop has ZERO side effects, something you can’t say about most drugs.

Here’s a video that clearly describes how the Loop works.

If you watch just the first 2 minutes or so, you’ll have a better understanding of what the Loop can do.

Read more about the science behind the Loop here.

Since decreasing inflammation is an important first step to healing, the Loop can help animals with many different issues, according to Assisi.

Those issues could include:

  • arthritis
  • wound healing
  • muscle strains and more

Click here to begin the process of ordering a Loop (prescription required)

What questions do you guys have about the Loop?

I’m aware it takes time to process and fully understand how the Loop works if you’re not familiar with the technology. I had to study it and ask a lot of questions myself when first introduced to the product.

Ace's paw with the Assisi Loop

Today, I believe it is beneficial for my dog and we continue to use the Loop as needed. My husband has even used it on his own sore knee!

Go ahead and leave your questions in the comments and I’ll get them answered.

Here are a few I’ve been asked so far:

How do I use the Loop? Is it easy to use?

It’s very simple to use. Simply place the Loop on or around the affected area (such as your dog’s hip or back) and keep it in place for 15 minutes. The Loop doesn’t make any noise, and your pet is unlikely to feel anything.

My mutt Ace with the Assisi Loop

The Loop blinks a green light when it’s on so you know it’s doing its job. The Loop automatically shuts off after 15 minutes. You can put your dog’s limbs right through the Loop or place it around your pet’s neck or body.

How do I get a Loop?

One of the most common questions I received is where do I get one?

The Loop is available through some veterinary practices. If your vet doesn’t carry the Loop, you can get a prescription and order directly through Assisi.

Click here to enter your zip code to find an Assisi-approved provider

Assisi will ship anywhere in the world with a prescription. The customer would be responsible for any international shipping fees or other taxes/fees.

What is the cost of the Loop?

The Loop is $289 (including shipping & handling in U.S.) when you order from Assisi Animal Health.

That sounds like a lot of money, but remember the Loop lasts about 150 15-minute sessions. That ends up being about $1.93 per session.

Some pet insurance plans will cover the cost of a Loop, so if you have pet insurance it is worth asking about.

Giveaway – Win a FREE Assisi Loop valued at $289

* Congrats to Sandy W.!

That Mutt and Assisi have partnered together to offer one FREE Loop to one reader of That Mutt (U.S. only).

Assisi Loop two sizes

I hope none of you need a Loop, but unfortunately I know a lot of dogs out there are dealing with pain related to arthritis or other ongoing issues like my dog Ace is dealing with.

To enter the giveway:

Just leave a comment below to let me know how you think the Loop could help one of your pets. For a second entry, leave a comment on my post from last week HERE.

One winner will be drawn at random on Wed Feb. 24. Must have a U.S. mailing address to win. The winner will have 30 days to claim the prize and must obtain a prescription from a vet.

Do you think the Loop could help your pet?

Let me know in the comments! And if you have any questions, make sure to ask.

Related posts:

My review of the Assisi Loop

What can the Loop help with?

Linda Schuldt

Tuesday 14th of February 2017

This would be a healing gift for Buddy the Christmas Husky. He has been through so much. He has just had surgery to try to remove a tumor from his liver (which it turns out is inoperable because of its location in the liver).

Kerry Mc Brearty

Tuesday 14th of February 2017

I recommend "Buddy - The Christmas Husky" for the loop. He had major surgery to remove his spleen that had a tumor and has another tumor in his liver that can't be removed. Buddy is a rescue and has ongoing health problems. You can read his story on his Facebook page.

Celine Alegre

Tuesday 14th of February 2017

I don't want it for my dog but for Buddy the Christmas husky. He went through so many things and a surgery.


Tuesday 14th of February 2017

This would be wonderful for buddy the Christmas husky, he has been through so much, and now he has had surgery, besides having cancer. I feel he is a perfect fit for this.


Tuesday 14th of February 2017

Buddy the Christmas Husky could truly benefit from your awesome product. Please consider him for your give away.

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